Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wonderful Signs of Spring

I can't say this has been the worst winter I remember. We had a mild November with a few days that did not even require a jacket. Not bad for Pennsylvania! My family had a wonderful vacation in December followed by a perfect Christmas. A nice start to the 2009-2010 winter season.

It seems the evil tide turned sometime after the New Year. We seemed plagued with days upon days of nothing but frigid temperatures, dreary skies, and icy weather. The snow in February was fun... The mess the snow left behind was ugly. After awhile even my kids started to get annoyed with going outside in the snow. We all started acting like caged in animals, desperate for some roaming room!

This past weekend the warm-up began. My friends and family were all rejoicing over 50 degree weather. Scott and I took the kids for a bike ride and it just felt good to breathe in non-stale air. There were piles of snow everywhere, but the hope of spring was under it - and the reality of that was incredible!

I can't say that spring was always my favorite month. I actually found it quite boring as a child - no sledding, no swimming, but now... (((gasp))) it is so much more than that. It is life; it is new beginnings, a rebirth of everything around me that had hid itself from the crippling grasp of winter. Even the springtime air smells different - new, fresh, and alive.

Oh the wonderful awakenings that I am so anxious to see in the upcoming days. I have heard (have yet to see it for myself) that the flowers are starting to come out of the ground. I would love to chat longer, but I am going to open up the windows, grab a sweater (it is only 50 degrees mind you) and go sit outside and soak up some good old Vitamin D!

Make sure you take a moment in your crazy lives to go outside, tip your chin upwards, and allow that beautiful sunshine to spread all of your face.

Keep it simple,