Monday, November 23, 2009

Let the Christmas season BEGIN!

After Thanksgiving, my Dad would go up to the attic and bring down the decorations. I still remember some of my favorite decorations, which surely have been tossed years ago at the determination of their tackiness, but I loved them. The macaroni ornaments, artificial fluff snow and plastic Santa and reindeer, and the felt Christmas figure magnets for the refrigerator door. I fondly remember decorating the Christmas tree and then laying under it admiring all the beautiful ornaments.

After Thanksgiving, everything began to get exciting - everywhere. There was a certain buzz in the air. At church, we received our pieces to be memorized for the Christmas pageant, and the sanctuary looked and smelled like Christmas; with the live decorated Christmas trees and large red bows and candle decorations. The houses in the neighborhoods transformed themselves into illuminated masterpieces. What would appear to an adult as T-A-C-K-Y, to a child looks spectacular! And, when we returned to school after Thanksgiving break, the classrooms were transformed into winter wonderlands.

I remember almost pitying adults during the magical time between Thanksgiving and New Years. How sad it must be for them to grow up. But here I am, an adult (most of the time), and I am right back there: grinning from ear to ear, so filled with the Christmas spirit that I can hardly contain it. For this reason, you will notice on my blog that I probably will be speaking a LOT about Christmas, my old and new traditions, and everything in between.

My Christmas decoration boxes are down from the attic, I have my Christmas choir music to learn, and I secretly admire even the tackiest illuminated homes – even if I don’t plan on emulating them!

May God bless us all this holiday season!


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