Want to get your home clean and organized before the holidays this year? Follow the steps to purge and purify your home just in time with the 8 week challenge.
Step :1 Plan and purge…
For this week, I first want you to make a plan of action. Break up your home into 7 zones (whatever works best for you). This is an example of what I have done for my home (but please do whatever works best for you).
Zone #1- Master Bedroom/Master Bath
Zone #2- Kids Bedrooms, Laundry Room
Zone #3- Bathrooms, Foyer
Zone #4- Living Room, Family Room and Dining Room
Zone #5- Kitchen
Zone #6- Garage and basement
Zone #7- Deck, front porch
The above zones will be the timeline. Each week we will focus on a zone. The steps actually will be quite similar for each week, so please don't feel that you need to do the same zones as I am doing.
Now, you know that I could never do a project like this without making organization a main focal point!! In addition, to cleaning our homes we are going to do a massive purge! Designate one day a week to run to your local thrift store so your donations don’t pile up and make sure that you keep a good list and get a receipt!! Do your best to recycle your trash and keep your clutter out of the landfills.
Your goal for this week is to do a quick purge on all the rooms. Clutter is simply put-off decisions! Try to tackle as much clutter as you can this week! Set the timer, grab a bag, and go to town! Set the timer for 10 minutes for each room and start tossing. If needed, do this 10 minute routine a second time for whichever zone is still in need.
Jump start for next week: Spend a little extra time purging your master bedroom this week; it will make next week’s missions a little less challenging!